One of the most common types of dermatosis that occurs in a chronic form is nail psoriasis. It can annoy an adult or a child if there are appropriate factors for its spread. The disease has many similarities with conventional psoriasis, as it is also characterized by a pathological layering of cells that overlap, so there is a strong deformation of the nail plates.
Cause of the disease

Some people assume that nail or nail psoriasis occurs under severe stress. Although it has been scientifically proven that strong emotional experiences cannot lead to such changes. Therefore, they cannot be considered as the main cause of the development of the disease. Doctors have identified 2 factors that can actually lead to the pathological process:
- Disruption of the immune system,is responsible for healthy cell formation and fermentation of substances. Such changes do not allow the skin particles to fully develop. They start to grow and overlap. The result is thickening of the nail plaques;
- Tend to develop psoriasis.In most patients, the predisposition to development is due to genetic inheritance. It wakes up immediately after the body is negatively affected by a number of factors.
Several factors can lead to disease triggering:
- Hormonal impairment;
- Metabolic problems;
- Long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs and beta blockers;
- Climatic conditions (cold and dry weather);
- Chronic fatigue;
- Infectious lesions;
- Damage to the upper layers of the skin.
In half of the cases, nail or foot psoriasis develops along with damage to the skin.
Psoriasis can affect only the nails or other parts of the body.
The first signs of psoriasis on the nails and feet
Nail damage in psoriasis can be identified by the characteristic symptoms of the condition. They start to disturb a person from the very first days of the development of the disease. General signs of a pathological process include:
- Depth and groove on the surface of the nail plates;
- Change the color of the nail to a darker color;
- Inflammatory process along the edge of the nail;
- Itching feels on the skin of the fingers.
If treatment is not started at an early stage, the disease will continue to develop and its clinical manifestations will become more and more pronounced.
Stages of the disease

What does nail psoriasis look like, you can find out if you study carefully the photo of the affected plaques and fingers. At the early stage of development, the manifestation of the pathology is not so obvious. An increase in symptoms is observed when psoriasis is successfully spread, in which healthy tissues are affected.
Doctors distinguish 3 main stages of the nail psoriasis process:
- Progress.At this stage, the nail begins to be covered with small spots, painted white or golden brown. Over time, the papules increase in size. At this stage, the psoriasis does not affect the deep layers of the nail, so it can be quickly cured. There is no pain when pressed against the affected area, but its surface is gradually peeling off;
- Stationery.The dot stops appearing on the nail. With that, the inflammatory process slows down. However, discomfort or pain persisted. Sometimes at this stage, the skin next to the plaques is covered with the disease's characteristic rash. She herself became very dry;
- Recession.The rash that formed before is slowly disappearing. Near the wound, white edges appear. As a rule, at this stage in the development of psoriasis, patients suffer from intolerable itching.
Observing the development of a disease, doctors should understand what stage it is at. This will help them find the best treatment for the patient.
If left untreated, the psoriasis will invade new areas.
Diagnostic method
An expert with experience in the diagnosis and treatment of dermatological diseases can immediately determine if a person has nail psoriasis. Studies in the laboratory allow to verify the validity of the conclusions drawn. To diagnose, you may need:
- Complete blood count;
- Analysis of biopsy or psoriasis.
An instrumental diagnosis is not required for nail psoriasis.
How to treat nail psoriasis

Nail psoriasis in children and adults requires complex therapy. Such a tool or procedure is not enough. Treatment of the psoriasis of the nails located in the hands or feet is standard for all patients. On an individual basis, they are the drugs and physiotherapy of choice. In addition, the patient will be advised to modify his / her daily diet and significantly adjust his or her usual lifestyle. Indeed, the success of therapy also depends on this.
As soon as they notice the signs of nail psoriasis, they should immediately see a dermatologist. The types of symptoms that will help identify the disease have been discussed above.
Most doctors prescribe topical ointments and body pills
Drug treatment
For a condition like nail psoriasis, it's possible to treat at home. The doctor will prescribe a number of medicines that must be taken by mouth or applied to the affected areas.
In the early stages of dermatological pathology, topical cream should be used. Ointments and creams may be hormonal or non-hormonal. People are previously in need for advanced forms of the disease.
Non-hormonal drugs rarely cause side effects and complications. In addition, they do not lead to addiction, on the contrary more active preparations for the external treatment of nail plates.
If the patient has a severely affected nail, the doctor will recommend oral medication. He will also tell you how to treat nail psoriasis in this way and what dosage to follow.
The following medications may be needed for nail psoriasis:
- Immunomodulators (vitamins);
- Antihistamines;
- Sedative.
In most cases, the medication is not stopped until the disease is better.

Nail psoriasis is usually treated with physical therapy. Good results for such violations are given by:
- PUVA therapy;
- X-ray therapy;
- UV radiation;
- Ultrasound therapy;
- Laser therapy.
In order for the results to be only positive after the procedure, it is important to choose the correct number and duration of physical therapy sessions. This task should be assigned to an experienced specialist. If not, the patient trying to figure out how to cure psoriasis will experience serious side effects of the procedural treatment.
PUVA therapy is one of the most modern and effective methods.
Proper nail care
For the most effective treatment, psoriasis patients need proper nail care. The disease seriously damages their plate, so such care would not be superfluous. First of all, it includes compliance with hygiene rules. Doctors recommend doing the following for this diagnosis:
- Make sure your nails are as short as possible;
- When doing housework, wear protective gloves;
- Avoid work that could damage the nails and the skin around them;
- You should regularly monitor the cleanliness of the nail sheets.
Medical methods will be more effective if, in addition to traditional methods and traditional therapies, the patient follows these rules.
For psoriasis, it is especially important to protect your hands from strong contact.
Folk remedies
Traditional medicine experts know which plants cure psoriasis that affects nails. They recommend it, like many other herbs, when preparing home remedies for dermatological diseases.
Patients can use the following folk remedies:
- Celandine Broth.To prepare you need to pour 0. 5 liters of water 2 tablespoons. l. herbs. This mixture should be boiled over low heat. On average, it should cook for about 30 minutes. Then, take a medicated bath from the steam, lower your arms and legs for 20-25 minutes;
- Natural oils.These foods work well for psoriasis. Sea buckthorn oil is especially beneficial. It hydrates the skin around the nails and enriches trace elements that benefit them. To treat acne-prone skin with oil, simply apply the oil on a cotton pad, then apply it on a plate. It is recommended to repeat the procedure up to 3 times a day;
- Compressed onions.It is made from a medium onion that has been previously passed through a meat grinder. The resulting slime is placed on the nail and covered with a clean gauze bandage. Compression should be left on for 30 minutes;
- The color of the leaves is flying.It can also be used in the preparation of a bath. To make a broth, you need to pour 2 cups of hot water with 20 grams of squid grass. Cook the mixture for no more than 10 minutes. The product is then cooled to a comfortable temperature and placed a hand or foot in it. It is also allowed to drink the same decoction inside, 40 g three times a day;
- Herbal decoction.To bathe you can prepare a remedy from cineraria, chrysanthemum, oak bark, sage and vines. They do it in the same way as in the previous formula;
- Herbal infusion.It is intended for drinking. Homemade medicine is made on the basis of Ganoderma lucidum leaves, St. seaweedJohn, linden root, celandine and cord. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Infusion is carried out from 1 tablespoon. l. collection and a cup of boiling water. It is recommended to take 50 g of the drug 2 times a day.
Folk remedies should be used in conjunction with traditional treatments. If not, they won't work.
Therapeutic Diet

When a person's upper skin layers are affected, it is possible to blame poor diet. Therefore, the body lacks useful trace elements that support the immune system and other systems. And as you know, due to failures, psoriasis occurs. Nail psoriasis can be treated with a special diet. It should be hypoallergenic.
The diet of the patient with nail psoriasis should be in balance. We recommend that you exclude foods that may lead to allergies. It is chocolate, strawberries, citrus fruits and coffee. You will also have to give up salty, smoked, sour, spicy, and fatty foods. Ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard are all prohibited.
During the exacerbation of an autoimmune disease, a single diet is recommended, designed for 1-2 days. Such nutrition uses only 1 product. It can be apple, kefir, fish or cereal.
Should supplement a therapeutic diet with fermented dairy products, fruits, vegetables, herbs and lean fish.
Foods that can cause allergies can also worsen psoriasis.
Trying to prevent the development of nail psoriasis is much easier than it is to combat it later. Disease prevention includes the following recommendations:
- You need to include plant foods in your diet;
- Fried, smoked, sour, and salty foods should be abandoned;
- Should regularly go to rest in a climate favorable to the skin and the body in general;
- Take vitamin and mineral complexes in courses;
- Avoid damaging the skin and nails;
- Promptly treat infectious diseases.
Don't forget to take care of your own skin and nails. This is the only way to protect you from the development of psoriasis and its relapses.
Psoriasis is one of the most progressive diseases all the time. Medication and physical therapy only temporarily halt the progression. No one can fully recover. If the patient follows the specialist's recommendations, it will be possible to prevent repeated damage to the skin and nails.
Complications and consequences
Psoriatic nail damage should be treated from the very first day of development. Without therapy or incorrectly chosen, then the patient is at risk for the complications and consequences of autoimmune disease.
With nail psoriasis, the cardiovascular system can be seriously affected. These are the vessels that pose the greatest danger, since pathological changes occur in them under the influence of the disease.
Any kind of psoriasis can cause psychological problems. They are directly related to the fact that other people rarely have normal sex with someone who has similar defects on different parts of the body. Because of this, the patient withdraws, begins to abuse alcohol, he is frequently pursued by a state of depression. Against the background of a disturbed psychology, the likelihood of a malignant process appearing in skin cells increases.