Psoriasis is an unpleasant chronic disease, often manifesting itself in the elbow and knee joints, head and back, and less commonly visible plaques on the nails and genitals. The disease is not considered contagious and occurs due to the use of certain medications, stressful situations, etc. v.
To get rid of this disease, you need to find quality remedies, which we will talk about in this article. We will consider the causes, folk methods and products of the world market below.

Causes of psoriasis
Currently, doctors still do not agree on the cause of psoriasis, so we will go deeper into each perspective on the question of what causes psoriasis.
- Change the type of immunity.Impairment of the body's immune defenses is the most frequent cause of psoriasis. Many physicians agree that psoriatic papules appear as a result of autoimmune invasion; in other words, immune cells begin to recognize skin cells as foreign, which is why their rejection begins. Usually this effect occurs due to burns, scratches and other damage to the skin.
- Genetic predisposition.The genetic cause of psoriasis is based on the theory that the likelihood of the disease running in families is hereditary.
- Endocrine system.The culprit of this disease is considered to be increased reproduction of skin cells. This factor signals that the regulatory functions in it are impaired, and this is a distinctive sign of disruption of the human endocrine system, due to which a disease such as psoriasis can develop on the skin. People.
- Parasitic diseases.Many studies have revealed a direct link between parasitic infections that live and multiply in the intestines and the incidence of psoriasis. It turns out that the number of parasite carriers in psoriasis patients is much higher than the average in healthy people.
Psoriasis cream is indicated to relieve itching, irritation, redness and scaling associated with psoriasis, eczema and other skin conditions. These products do not contain parabens, preservatives, mineral oil, petroleum, artificial colors, artificial fragrance or gluten and are classified according to their interactions:
- instantly eliminates itching, irritation and peeling;
- neutral fragrance;
- Absorbs within 5-10 seconds;
- excellent composition of extracts from various Chinese herbs).
- Not suitable for sensitive skin (contains alcohol).
The products are of very high quality. Application is easy, pleasant and absorbed immediately. Redness and itching of the skin disappear after 2 weeks. There is practically no odor, so it does not irritate the mucous membrane. The use of ointments or creams is allowed for any form of psoriasis, except plaque. Modern products are incredibly effective, however, they are considered hormonal drugs. The active ingredient in the composition of this product in combination with other ingredients can have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Ointment eliminates itching, peeling, irritation and swelling.
Effective folk remedies

Having studied pharmacy, it is important not to forget that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were treated for this disease using traditional methods. Let's look at a few of them with examples below.
- Barley decoction.To prepare this decoction, take 2 tablespoons of flour and barley malt, pour in 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Take the product in strained form 6 times a day, ½ cup. The flavor can be improved slightly with a little honey or sugar.
- Skin care cream with birch sap.To apply lotion, you need to take gauze or bandage, moisten it abundantly in tar and apply it to the affected area of the body. Application time is about half an hour. At the same time, it is important to monitor your health. If you feel discomfort, burning or pain, then it is better to abandon this method. The treatment course lasts 7 days. Tar should be applied morning and evening. Then you should rest and repeat the course if necessary.
How to choose the right one

After studying the criteria below, you can easily purchase a high-quality and, most importantly, effective remedy that helps eliminate psoriasis.
- Product type.Such preparations are available in the form of ointments, creams, gels and tablets. The best options are creams or gels because they are absorbed quickly and do not cause serious side effects.
- Compounds.First of all, you need to study the composition of the product. If there is an ingredient that you are personally intolerant to, it is better to switch to another product, otherwise the problem can only get worse.
- Hormonal or non-hormonal type.Be careful when using hormonal drugs, such drugs do not always do their job and, in addition, they change your hormonal levels and createnew problem. Let's take a closer look at non-hormonal drugs, they are more harmless and effective.
Treat psoriasis
Finding a cure for psoriasis for patients with this disease is not easy. Drugs that are effective for some patients may have little effect on others, so there is no universal treatment.

Best medicine for psoriasis
bestBest medicine to treat psoriasis– these are drugs that help achieve long-term remission in patients. Psoriasis cannot be completely cured, so a period of remission with no painful symptoms is considered a significant success in treatment. To treat psoriasis it is necessary to act comprehensively. Doctors prescribe external ointments, pills and vitamins so that the treatment of the disease is as flexible as possible.
Medicines to treat psoriasis effectively
Effectivepsoriasis medicineon the body are produced not only by foreign companies, but also by domestic manufacturers. Psoriasis drugs produced domestically in the form of ointments are more affordable, at the same time, not all foreign drugs give the expected effect. Although the price of foreign drugs to treat psoriasis can be many times higher than the price of domestic drugs.
The attending physician will present a list of drugs for the treatment of psoriasis and note the effectiveness of certain names. Psoriasis can be treated without expensive drugs using domestic medicine.
For treatment, you can use not only ointments, but also injections. Intramuscular injections are effective psoriasis drugs for many patients because they can provide long-lasting relief, but to improve the effects of the main drugs, patients are advised to take antihistamines and vitamins. Among the injectable drugs used:
- Immunomodulators.
- Glucocorticosteroids.
- Immunosuppressants are a modern treatment for psoriasis.
Among effective medicines, Asian medicine is recommended by many forums. Home remedies for psoriasis as recommended by the manufacturer will bring excellent results in treating the disease. However, on many forums, patients' opinions are completely opposite.
Foreign products originating from the East do not inspire trust and have no progressive effects different from those of domestic drugs. Although these are inexpensive psoriasis medications, you should not waste your time using questionable dietary supplements.
Medicine to treat psoriasis on the head
The bestTreat psoriasis on the scalp– shampoos and emulsions have a healing effect. An effective treatment for psoriasis on the head is children's tar shampoo. There is a special children's line.
Patients note that for many, ointments with specially prepared oils have been effective. Psoriasis can be effectively treated with these drugs, shampoos and lotions for psoriasis do not cause any particular harm to health because they are made from natural ingredients.
In severe cases, patients with scalp psoriasis are also prescribed injections. They are quite effective because they go straight into the bloodstream and give good results.

Medicine to treat psoriasis on elbows
The most effective drugs for treating psoriasis on the elbow are hormonal drugs. People should also take medications containing vitamin D to treat psoriasis; A special line of drugs is being developed for people with psoriasis. When combining these groups of drugs, in most cases, the progression of the disease can be stopped.
If you need to continue treatment and the signs of psoriasis on your hands have not gone away, your doctor will use zinc-containing medication. The simplest medicinefor nail psoriasis- ordinary zinc ointment, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It has an excellent effect on problem areas of the nails and skin of the hands and fingers, and with the additional use of antihistamines, success in therapy will be achieved faster.
Elbow psoriasis can be treated with a variety of medications, including pills and ointments. Among external medications, doctors recommend ointments made from natural ingredients. Vitamins and cartilage protectants are also recommended for joint psoriasis.
New medicine to treat psoriasis
New in psoriasis treatment are biological drugs that work well but need to be used under a doctor's supervision.Latest medicine for psoriasisfor 2018 – these are targeted drugs. They can affect even the most severe forms of the disease. However, they are not addictive and are highly effective even with prolonged use. A new treatment for psoriasis of the legs and arms may prevent psoriatic arthritis.
Synthetic vitamin D is produced in ointment and gel form. The drug is based on vitamin D, which significantly enhances the effect of the drug. The drug helps to quickly reduce redness and plaques, allows you to eliminate itching and effectively cleanse the skin of the growth and has the fewest contraindications and side effects, due to its maximum uniformity with the natural formula. course.
New drugs for the treatment of skin psoriasis have the ability to regulate the production of T lymphocytes and cytokines, which are responsible for maintaining the inflammatory process in the body, at the level of their effect on DNA. The effects of the drug are mild. Medications to treat skin psoriasis are not addictive and can be recommended for long-term use.
And remember, psoriasis cannot be cured with medication, but long-term remission is possible.